Hits:5469 The churches of Thrapsano
The village of Thrapsano has 13 churches. Seven of them are country churches. Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Ypsosis tou Timiou Stavrou) Church of the Metamorphosis of the Saviour...
Read moreHits:8480 Thrapsano - Cretan Pottery
Pottery is among the most ancient arts and deals with the manufacture of earthen vessels. Pots are objects that are first shaped of wet clay, and then hardened by baking...
Read moreHits:6515 The reservoir of Livada
The small reservoir of Livada is located 800 meters north of the village of Thrapsano. Local people used to exploit clay from the area and thus a pond was created; this...
Read moreHits:7755 Thrapsano - Cretan Pottery
Studying the existing historical data about Thrapsano, in all cases, these are directly linked to pottery. I mention below the historical data I have come across up to this day...
Read moreHits:7019 Thrapsano
There are several versions for the origin of the village name and most of them are connected with the traditional relation of the village with pottery. According to the first version...
Read moreHits:6010 Thrapsano
According to the historian Stergios Spanakis (Towns and Villages of Crete, 1st Vol.) the most ancient indication of settlement is reported as Trapsiano and Thrapsiano in 1379 in the Ducal...
Read moreHits:5957 Thrapsano - Cretan Pottery
Apart from Thrapsano that is considered the biggest centre of pottery in our island, it would be an omission, not to report, the remainder traditional centres that also have a...
Read moreHits:5275 Thrapsano
A typical family of Thrapsano in 1900 In the table below we can see the existing data for the population of the village, and at the graph, the fluctuation of the...
Read moreHits:7756 Thrapsano - Cretan Pottery
Thrapsano is a village located 28 km south from Knossos. The primary characteristic of our village is the reputation that it has concerning the pottery and especially the creation of big...
Read moreHits:5832 Thrapsano - Cretan Pottery
Vedema was the summer campaign and temporary installation in the various places of Crete until mid September, of Thrapsano potters, in teams, where they manufactured big jars called “pitharia” and...
Read moreHits:5161 Thrapsano
Looking at historical data/facts and hearing unpublished histories from senior residents we can see that the village has many myths and traditions. The most important myths of the village are the...
Read moreHits:4999 Thrapsano
Potters festival in Thrapsano, Crete Pottery workshops: You can watch the traditional pottery art and choose from the biggest perhaps variety of earthen utensils. The Primary School that constitutes the ornament of our...
Read moreHits:5037 Thrapsano
BIBLIOGRAPHY "Poleis kai horia tis Kritis" Tomos A' Stergiou G. Spanaki "Kritika Hronika" Mnimeia Krit. Ist. V s.123 "Kriti to afieroma" Encyclopedia "Glossikai Meletai" Ksanthoudidis "Amartolon Sotiria" Agapios Landos "Agapios Landos o Kris" Styl. Mairaktari Metafraseis, tom. B...
Read moreHits:4905 Thrapsano
I am grateful to all these people who helped me with this project and particularly the following for providing useful information and invaluable help and material: The director and owner of...
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